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Admissions Policy
Enrollment Deadline
Admission Procedures
Academic Preparation
Academic Assessment
International Student Admissions

Admissions Office

Ephraim: West Campus
Phone:  (800) 848-3399

Richfield: Sorensen Administration Building
Phone:  (435) 893-2256

NOTE: Snow College’s admission policy is subject to change. 印在目前的雪学院入学申请表上的政策是 considered the most current.

Admissions Policy

PG电子官方免费下载是一所公开招生机构,致力于机会均等的政策 在教育服务中不歧视我们的学生,员工和 public.

Enrollment Deadline

PG电子官方免费下载没有录取截止日期,但注册截止日期为 Snow College is the first day of the semester for which a student is attending. This means that a student needs to be admitted by that date to enroll in classes. If a student is starting during a late starting or mid-semester class, the deadline is the first day those classes begin. To gain the advantage of early course registration, 我们鼓励申请人提交入学申请和所有支持材料 documents as early as possible. Students seeking academic scholarship consideration must have their application for admission and all supporting documents postmarked on or before the scholarship deadline.

Exceptions to Deadline

On rare occasions an exception to the enrollment deadline may be granted. To be eligible 申请该例外,并考虑入学后的第一天 the semester, a student must:

  1. Have graduated from high school or passed a GED or equivalent exam. High school graduates must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. (Note: Transfer students with more than 20 post high school credits must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA.)
  2. 可以全额支付学期费用,也可以申请大学批准的付款 plan the day of enrollment.
  3. 能够立即开始参加每个课程的下一个即将到来的会议 registered for.
  4. 是否获得注册管理副主席和学术指导主任的批准 (or their designees).

Exceptions to the deadline are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Factors such as past 学术背景,课程可用性,申请日期和申请原因 will all be taken into consideration. 

Admission Procedures

Admission Process
To be officially admitted to Snow College, all applicants must do the following:

  1. Complete the online admissions application -
  2. Out-of-State Residents: Payment of a nonrefundable $30 application fee.
  3. 提供所有适用的文件:高中成绩单,GED或同等考试, and/or college transcript. Documents can be submitted through mail or email.

        (by Standard Mail)                     OR                   (by Email)
        Admissions Office                                
        Snow College, Box 1012
        150 College Avenue
        Ephraim, UT  84627

Transcript Validity

如果学生提供的成绩单似乎来自非认证机构, the admissions office will contact the State Board of Education. Inquiries will be 为核实院校及所提供的成绩单的有效性而作出 student. If the institution is non-accredited or unverifiable and the student cannot 如不能提供可确认的文件,PG电子官方免费下载将暂停录取 or be denied.  

Freshman Student Admission

Students will be considered freshmen if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • Students who did/will graduate from high school or have a GED
  • Students who have never attended any college or university
  • Students with fewer than 20 transferable post-high school college credits

Required Materials

  • A completed admission application
  • Out-of-State Residents: Payment of a nonrefundable $30 application fee
  • Submit high school transcript, GED, or home school transcript
  • 提交所有以前就读机构的正式大学成绩单,包括 technical education transcripts. If the student has enrolled at another institution but never attended classes, a letter of non-attendance will be required.
  • ACT/SAT成绩只对总统学术奖学金有要求 helpful for class registration placement

注:如果高中毕业已超过一年,学生必须提供 所就读院校的正式大学成绩单,包括技术教育 transcripts, to fulfill the admission requirements. 

高中毕业生可以在高中毕业时提交正式的大学成绩单, but they are not required for admission.

Readmit Student Admission

高中毕业后上过课但缺课的学生 从学院连续两个或两个以上的学期将需要提交一份重新录取/返回 application (e.g. attended Fall 2023 semester but did not return for Spring 2024 or Fall 2024 semester). The summer semester is not included in the two semesters.

Required Materials

  • A completed admission application
  • Out-of-State Residents: Payment of a nonrefundable $30 application fee
Transfer Student Admission

Required Materials

  • A completed admission application
  • Out-of-State Residents: Payment of a nonrefundable $30 application fee
  • 提交所有以前就读机构的正式大学成绩单,包括 technical education transcripts.

如果获得的可转换高中后大学学分少于20个,那就高了 school transcripts are necessary. Additionally, ACT or SAT scores may be submitted.

有关转学分要求的详细信息,请参阅转学分 section in this catalog.

Early Admission

如果符合条件,学生可以在高中毕业前就读PG电子官方免费下载 the following conditions:

  1. 至少是高中三年级或四年级的学生,高二的学生很少有例外.
  2. Has a GPA or ACT score that predicts success, generally considered to be a 3.0 GPA or 22 composite ACT score. (A sophomore must have a 3.5 GPA or higher.)
  3. Submits an Early Admission Informed Consent Agreement.
  4. 满足批准的课程先决条件,适用于普通大学学生和 concurrent enrollment students, e.g., Math (ACT and/or math placement score).

任何例外情况将根据具体情况进行评估,并需要面试. 在此选项下被录取的学生一次将被录取一个学期 只有达到学期平均绩点才能继续学习吗 of 2.00 (C) or higher.

Required Materials

  • A completed admission application
  • Payment of a nonrefundable $30 application fee for out-of-state residents
  • Send high school transcript, GED, or home school transcript
  • 发送所有以前就读机构的正式大学成绩单,包括 technical education transcripts. If the student has enrolled at another institution but never attended classes, a letter of non-attendance will be required.
  • ACT/SAT成绩只对总统学术奖学金有要求 helpful for class registration placement
Non-Degree Seeking Students

任何想要获得学位、文凭或证书的学生 在PG电子官方免费下载申请学分必须经过上面列出的新生入学程序 and become a fully matriculated student. Non-degree seeking, non-credit, and other 未被录取的学生不需要提交成绩单或考试成绩 admission.

重要的是要注意,被录取的学生是非学位或非学分 students are not eligible for federal financial aid. Should these students later decide 要修学分课程,必须提供成绩单和相关考试成绩 when applying for matriculated status.

Non-High School Graduates or Home School Students

未从高中毕业但其毕业班已毕业的学生 must:

  1. 提交任何高中成绩单,认可的家庭学校成绩单或大学成绩单 transcripts.
  2. 入学不需要ACT或SAT成绩,但有助于安排 class registration.

任何寻求联邦财政援助(FAFSA)的学生都必须拥有高中文凭, or GED.

Credit: Transfer and Other

转学学分、先修学分和同步入学学分应提交 with an official transcript from the institution.  我们鼓励学生在注册课程之前提供这些成绩单.

大学先修课程、国际学士学位、 Military Training, CLEP, DSST and Foreign Language Credits.

International Students

See information on International Student Admissions.

Concurrent Enrollment Students

同步招生课程是为高中学生提供的大学水平的课程 for both high school and college credit. Classes may be located on the high school 或大学校园,可由经批准的高中教师授课 adjunct faculty status at the college or by college faculty members.  A few online classes are offered for concurrent enrollment. Both vocational and general education classes may be offered for concurrent enrollment credit.  Student eligibility requirements for Snow College Concurrent Enrollment are as follows:

  1. 必须是高中三年级或四年级的学生,很少有二年级的学生例外.
  2. 必须有GPA或ACT成绩,通常被认为是成功的标志 3.0 GPA or 22 composite ACT score.  CTE courses, other than Business, require a minimum GPA of 2.0.  (To be eligible, sophomores must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and be recommended by their high school counselor as being ready to do college-level work)
  3. Must submit ACT scores to enroll in English and Math courses.  ENGL 1010 requires an English ACT score of 17.
    MATH 1030 -先决条件:成功完成中学数学I, II和III -平均C or better course grade in all three classes. Students who do not have a C average 或以上三门课程成绩均可通过ACT进入本课程 Math score 22 or higher or appropriate placement test score.
    MATH 1040 -先决条件:成功完成中学数学I, II和III -平均C or better course grade in all three classes. Students who do not have a C average 或以上三门课程成绩均可通过ACT进入本课程 Math score 22 or higher or appropriate placement test score.
    MATH 1050 -先决条件:成功完成数学中学数学I, II和III -平均C 或三门课程成绩更好,再加上学校的先决条件:ACT成绩 Math score 23 or higher or appropriate placement test score.
  4. 满足院系特定课程入学的先决条件.
  5. 满足批准的课程先决条件,适用于普通大学学生和 concur- rent enrollment students.
  6. 通过同期入学要求的统一期末考试 students when those examinations are required of regular college students.
  7. 在任何同时入学课程中获得不及格成绩的学生将不再 be considered eligible to take concurrent enrollment courses.

同时入学的学生将自动被录取为新生 for the Fall semester following their High School graduation. If you are experiencing 如果您对PG电子官方免费下载的录取有任何疑问,请致电(800)848-3399.

Academic Preparation

尽管PG电子官方免费下载是一所公开招生的大学,但准备工作仍然很紧张 recommended. Students with solid academic and study skills are more likely to succeed at Snow.  学生应具备必要的阅读、写作和思考能力 for college-level coursework.

那些需要补救帮助的人应该明白,PG电子官方免费下载并没有发展 education program.

Academic Assessment

评估测试是推荐给新的学位寻求学生安置到 courses. 学生可以通过参加ACT或SAT I考试并持有一份副本来满足这一要求 sent to Snow College.

English Placement Guidelines for New Students
  • Students who have an English ACT of 11 or below are required to take ENGL 0980.
  • Students with English ACT scores of 12-14 are recommended for ENGL 1005.
  • Students with scores of 15 or higher may choose ENGL 1010 or 1005.
  • 英语ACT成绩达到29分或更高的学生可以申请跳过engl1010 by taking an English Placement Exam in the Testing Center. The English Department will consider both the ACT and writing sample when placing a student.

任何希望获得安置选择帮助的学生都应该参加写作评估 exam in the Testing Center. 

Math Placement Guidelines for New Students

PG电子官方免费下载提供各种各样的数学课程,以满足学生的需要 different levels of math skills. The goal at Snow is to help students find the class that best meets their needs. 而不是一个太高级的课程,或一个太基础的课程,学生 should be enrolled in a math course that best matches their skills. 强制性安排在数学0700,0800和1010是基于学生的数学ACT score.

  • Students who score 17 and below will be placed in MATH 0700 or 0800.
  • Students who score 18-22 will be placed in MATH 1010.
  • 21分、22分、23分及以上的学生可以分别参加数学1030、1040、1050 and a 23 also may place a student in MATH 1080.

要挑战这种安置,学生可以联系学术咨询办公室 安排时间使用ALEKS评估工具或指定的同等工具并进行交谈 with a faculty member about their placement.

Note:  Prerequisite courses or test scores must be less than two years old. 如果PG电子官方免费下载没有学生上过数学课的记录,那么学校的学生就会被录取 ACT,或过去两年的分班考试,学生必须(重新)参加分班考试 test to ensure placement in the appropriate math class.

Participation in Assessment Activities

PG电子官方免费下载对其使命和目标的承诺需要进行定期评估 of progress in achieving those goals. PG电子官方免费下载注册的学生可能会被要求参加评估 特殊考试,通过允许大学获得全国标准化的分数 考试,通过填写问卷和调查,以及作为会员 of focus groups or other discussion groups designed to obtain information. 

有些评估工作需要对学生群体进行统计抽样,因此 is important that students be willing to help with assessment when asked. 学生不应该对参与评估感到不情愿,因为任何信息 本课程仅用于改进大学课程教学 或者是程序性的,并且不会对学生个人产生影响. The scores will not be part of any student’s official record.

International Student Admissions

Director:  Becky Adams
Director of Global Learning:  Alex Peterson
Head of International Student Services:  Diana Montano
International Admissions Counselor: Nate Thomas
International Student Services Assistant:  Nobue Swenson

Phone: (435) 283-7411

Snow College ESL Program Mainstreaming Statement

Track One: Unconditional Admission

母语非英语的学生可以无条件录取 College.  In order to qualify for this track students must submit one of the following English Language Assessments:

  • TOEFL score of at least 63 iBT (minimum of 15 in each section). The Snow College Institutional school code is 4727.
  • IELTS score of at least 6.0, no sub-section minimum
  • Duolingo score of at least 100 (minimum of 85 in each section)

在满足这些要求后,Track One学生将被允许注册为 full-time academic students

Track Two: Conditional Admission

母语不是英语的学生可以有条件地被斯诺录取 College. In order to qualify for this track, students must meet the Snow College academic eligibility requirement, but do not need to submit a TOEFL score. Students in this track are admitted into the ESL program. Students whose English Placement Assessments are below the required scores are automatically admitted to this track, as well. All 这个专业的学生在到达PG电子官方免费下载之前要参加一次分班考试 by the chair of the English as a Second Language (ESL) Dept.

参加完分班考试后,第二轨道的学生将被安排在四个不同的 levels. 在分班考试中获得88分或更高分数的学生将被录取 并且只需要参加ESL 1051作为先决条件 ENGL 1010. 学生可以通过参加三分的书面论文考试来挑战ESL 1051 ESL faculty members. 学生必须在三位评分者中至少两位以85%或更高的分数通过考试.

Exit Criteria

参加PG电子官方免费下载ESL课程的学生必须通过所有必修的ESL课程 最低成绩为B(85%)或更高,方可退出该课程并作为学生入学 full-time academic students.

没有通过所有ESL课程的学生将处于见习状态 并由全球参与中心的工作人员监控,直到达到退出要求 has been satisfied. The Center for Global Engagement acts as Primary Designated School Official for all SEVIS and immigration/status related matters. Any issues that affect 国际学生的移民身份是ESL课程的主题 to decision by the Center for Global Engagement.

Passing required ESL courses with a grade of B (3.0) or better satisfies the foreign language requirement for graduation from Snow College with the AA degree. Students entering on Track 1 also satisfy the foreign language requirement.

如果学生希望直接进入学术课程,他们应该安排参加 在他们的祖国参加了英语作为一门外语的考试(托福),并且有 the results sent to:

Snow College International Student Admissions
150 College Avenue
Ephraim, UT 84627 U.S.A.

有关各国托福考试日期和地点的信息,请 write to:

Princeton, New Jersey 08541‑6155 U.S.A.


Students who wish to apply to Snow College should access the application form at Once the application is submitted, student must provide the following documents:

  1. Proof of graduation from high school (translated into English, if needed)
  2.  Financial Statement of Support from sponsor or family (found at
  3. 当前的银行对账单或资金证明显示$20,500美元的教育费用
  4. Copy of biographical page of passport

如果学生已经完成了任何学院或大学的学业,也应该遵循同样的程序 work. 学院或大学成绩单必须翻译成英文并经过审核 by a credential evaluation service. The preferred service of Snow College is SpanTran

学生必须做好充分的准备,以满足必要的经济义务 the full time they will be in the United States. It is estimated that each student will need at least $20,500* per academic year (9 months). This is exclusive of travel. Below are estimated costs:

Tuition and fees | 9 months | $14,900
Board and room | estimate | $4,000
Personal expenses | estimate | $1,800
Medical Insurance | estimate | $1,300
Total | $22,000* 

* Plus transportation
* Cost may change

Presently, there are no loans available for international students. International 学生有资格申请任何学术和部门奖学金或奖学金 国际学生捐赠奖学金:提供给符合下列条件的学生 matriculated and have completed one semester of study at Snow College. International 持F-1签证的学生也可以在校园里找到最低工资的工作 not work more than twenty (20) hours per week. Off‑campus work is not permitted for international students. 

为了让国际学生被录取,他们必须做一份关于 their financial intentions for the entire academic year.




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