


  • 这是 a fabulous resource page to learn about gigs, music education jobs, and a wide variety of career paths in music.

Here is something to keep in mind when looking for a job in the music 行业:  When you first start to work in the music field,  you generally will end up getting a gig (or job) that you feel you are not 100% qualified for.  It is also important to note, whenever you are looking for music jobs, that you might feel unqualified based on 书面职位描述.   Do not let this discourage you from applying for great 机会.  Keep this in mind:  If you are a college graduate, 行业 experts around the world are more likely to hire you because they understand that you can complete long term goals, learn new subjects, exercise patience, show up on time, do things even when you really don't want to, receive instruction in a professional 方式等.  It is also important to note that you should not have anxiety about starting a new job because, once you start a job, you will gain the experience and skills you need to actually be qualified for that job.  You will also learn new knowledge and technical skills which will further build your marketable skill-sets.  这是 why you should apply for any job that you are interested in (New employers know that your college education is worth it and that you will probably do an acceptable job and do what it takes to learn your craft). 

重要的事实:  Every musician should strive to gain protools and finale experience, show "production" experience, and have a general knowledge of microphones and mixing board.  最简单的 of functionality on these platforms is highly valued and highly requested in any music 竞技场.  Having these skills will ultimately allow you to write and record your own music at your home and therefore save you time and money during your career. 

Good luck finding a job that looks exciting!  (Cruises, Recording Studios, TV Stations, Radio Stations, Production, Musical Director, Talent Scout, Artist Manager, Stage Assistant, Recording Engineer, etc).



  1. Type the word "music" into the "keywords" search field.
  2. 点击“搜索职位”.

NOTE: 这是 where I found the 雪的大学 Director of Jazz Studies position! 



  1. Click on Job Board and look through jobs at least out to page 11.
  2. Click the "Click here to display Internships and look around starting from the last 页”(按“最后”).  You should end up around page 75. 往回走 by clicking on the page links.



  1. Click on Job Bank and look through jobs.
  2. Access what skills you don't have and what experience you might need to get your foot 在门口. 

职业生涯 in Music (Published by Berklee)


Definitions of Various Music Professions

职业生涯 in Contemporary Writing and Production
  • Arranger, Producer, Orchestrator, Composer, Film Scorer/Composer, Jingle Writer, Songwriter, Transcriber, Copyist, Conductor
职业生涯 in Music Business/Management
  • Advertising Executive, Booking Agent, Business Manager, Field Merchandiser, Music Publisher, Personal Manager, Professional Manager
  • Film Composer, Music Editor, Music Supervisor/Director, Film Arranger/Adapter, Film Conductor, Film Music Orchestrator, Synthesis Specialist, Theme Specialist
  • Jazz Composer, Jingle Writer, Film Scorer/Composer, Arranger (Adapter), Songwriter, Orchestrator, Conductor, Copyist, Educator/Teacher, Transcriber, Editor (print music 出版)
  • Choir Director, College/Conservatory/University Music Educator, Elementary School Music Teacher, Music Supervisor, Private Instructor, Secondary School Music Teacher
音乐制作职业 & 工程
  • MIDI 工程, Music Director, Producer, Program Director, Recording Engineer, 工作室总监或经理
  • MIDI Technician, Programmer, Performing Synthesist, Music Sequencer, Sound Designer
  • 什么是音乐疗法? Is Music Therapy a Good Career Possibility for Me? 什么职业 Opportunities are Available for Music Therapists, Where do Music Therapists Work?
  • Vocal/Instrumental Soloist, Session 音乐家, General Business 音乐家, Performing Artist, Orchestra/Group Member, Background Vocalist, Floor Show Band
职业生涯 in Professional Music
  • A&管理员,A&R Coordinator, Campus Representative, Consumer Researcher, Director of Publicity, Marketing Representative, Public Relations Counselor, Publicist, Regional Sales Manager 职业生涯 in Songwriting
    Composer, Jingle Writer, Lyricist, Producer/Songwriter, Singer/Performing Songwriter, 工作人员 or Freelance Songwriter
    Road Manager, Sound Technician, Tour Coordinator, Tour Publicist
  • 音乐家.com
    Complete information resources for music professionals. Free Classifieds, Music 行业 链接,职位列表等.
  • A service for musicians to post their availability and other personal information 世界各地.
  • To offer a means for networking and mutual support to musicians and people in the 行业.
  • You'll find contact information for manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and nationwide 服务.

5 Essentials of Music Career Success

By Peter Spellman, Director of the Career Development Center, Berklee College of Music
This article is from his new book, Indie Marketing Power: The Guide for Maximizing 你的音乐营销.

Music is too big a world for a one-size-fits-all model 的音乐 career 成功. 音乐家的 career paths are as unique as their individual fingerprints. 然而,有 a few guidelines that I believe apply to anyone trying to make a living career out 他们对音乐的热爱. 这里有五个:

Hone your talent and realize there is a place for you. Not everyone is a Quincy Jones, a Beatles, or a Bruce Springsteen, but if an artist like Tom Waits is a vocalist, then there is definitely room for you too. Do the work necessary to excel in your niche, whether it's writing a chart, engineering a session, providing backup vocals, or teaching kids the basics 的音乐.

Your goal, to use marketing lingo, is to "position" yourself in your "market" as the go-to person for that particular skill or talent. Don't worry too much about 行业 拒绝. Every record label in Britain initially passed on the Beatles and The Rolling 石头. The key is believing in yourself and persevering beyond others' opinions (even “业界人士”).

Connect with as many people as you can because relationships drive music careers more that anything else, even talent. Music is a "who-you-know/who-knows-you" kind of business. The quality and quantity of your relationships will be the primary engines of your progress. Try developing creative projects with fellow-musicians. 也许你可以 combine your live show with two other acts and present the package to a local promoter. 人多力量大. Finding the right combinations takes experimentation.

If you're interested in working in the business side 的音乐, then interning at a music company is the best way to both learn how the biz works and connect with those who can help move your career along.

Accept the new powers in your corner and take responsibility for creating your own 成功. The last twenty years has given you the means to both produce and distribute your own music on a global scale. New models of business are emerging in the world 的音乐. A "record deal" is not necessarily the goal any longer. 互联网已经 clearly become your "open mic" to the world, and desktop technologies provide you with ways to have the look, reach and efficiency of larger companies. 敢于与众不同.

Remember, new power also means new responsibilities. Global reach means a potentially 广泛的受众. You need to be ready for the incoming messages and questions from 这个新市场. Have you created the best business structures to hold and express 你的工作? Are you setting up effective systems to communicate with your audience? It's up to you to create your own 成功 and not merely rely on a record company or agent to do the work of making you visible in the marketplace.

Understand that every business is becoming a "music business" and so musical 机会 越来越多. It took a coffee company and a computer manufacturer to teach the music 行业 how to sell music in the digital age! Non-music businesses everywhere are seeking creative ways to add music-related 服务 to their mix. 这意味着 you needn't be dependent on the traditional "music industrial complex" for music career 成功.

Think of companies you already resonate with and try brainstorming ways you can link up. 从当地开始. It might be a gift shop, bookstore or arts organization. It may even evolve into a full-fledged sponsorship for a tour or recording project. Find ways to add value to what these businesses are doing with what you have to offer. Forging creative alliances is key to building a multi-dimensional music career.

Prepare to be versatile and to wear several hats initially, until your "brand" is 建立了. Most musicians I know have had to cobble together several revenue streams in the early stages of their careers in order to make enough money to support themselves. Many have also had to take on a non-music "lifeline careers" just to make ends meet, pay down debt, or supplement what they earn from music.

I tell musicians to not so much look for "a job," but to seek out the work that needs 待完成的工作. It might be arranging a song, playing a wedding gig, helping organize a concert series, doing a jingle session, offering private music instruction, or writing a review of your favorite band's new CD. Eventually, all the different experiences merge together into the roaring river that will be your music career. 在这一点上 you'll be visible, in demand and able to name your price. 这就是事业上的成功.

Peter Spellman is Director of the Career Development Center at Berklee College of 音乐,波士顿.